My Child's History Form

Saves you time, energy and keeps your records up to date

Are you sick of repeating yourself?

As a parent of an autistic child, I found myself going to many appointments for my child, including GP's, Specialists, Paediatricians and more.

I found myself:

  • Repeating myself over and over again regarding my child's history.
  • By repeating myself, I was wasting precious time during my appointment.
  • Due to sleep deprivation or my child being dysregulated, I found that I was missing information that I needed to convey.

This history form will solve those problems.

  • This form is editable meaning you can put as much or as little information as you like.
  • This form can be updated and revised when things change.
  • Its an easy way to keep all of the information in one place.

Send the completed form to any medical professionals that you have upcoming appointments with.

What The Clients Are Saying

I love this form, its helped me consolidate all of my information in one place and sending it prior to my appointment means I don't waste time rehashing all of the same content. The specialist is ready to discuss the problem at hand.



Where has this form been??? Such a great idea and I love that the form allows me to change and add this as we continue on our journey.


South Australia

I don't have to repeat myself! Genius! The fact that I can send it to my specialist or peadiatrican beforehand saves me so much time. Thank you!!!!



If you have any questions or need further information, please email us at

Copyright @ You Are Seen